Tuesday 5 June 2012

Life now

At a point in life
every guy you meet
says the same thing-
all wanna show affection
seranade you with sweet words
The truth seems so close
yet faraway.
Dialy you go on your kneels
pray the prayer of wisdom
"Oh Lord I need your wisdom"
your heart is torn
you feel troubled
you wonder why all the good words come at once
kind gestures, love, care and affection
you ponder on the words you hear
you worry for a mistake is costly
The right path you want to follow
tears you want faraway from you.
You crave peace!
Truely if that which is meant to give you peace
causes that heart of yours to worry
then it's not yours -MOVE ON!
For once I found joy, peace, happiness, friendship wrapped in one
but walls in strategic places robbed me one time of true happiness....


  1. Replies
    1. hehehe.. darling.. :).. u like it yeh?.. check out my other blogs.. :).. xx.. cheers for dropping in
